Noticias 16 Oct. 2024
Los alumnos y alumnas de 5° y 6° de Primaria han disfrutado de un maravilloso concierto en el que un grupo de rock con guitarra eléctrica, bajo, cantante, batería, bailarina y narrador, les han ido introduciendo en la música rock del siglo XX, repasando la música y acontecimientos históricos importantes que marcaron cada época. Han escuchado, cantado y bailado canciones de Elvis, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, etc, todo ello contado de forma muy amena, divertida y pedagógica.
October 15, 2024. Century Rock educational concert: history of the 20th century told through rock.
The 5th and 6th grade students have enjoyed a wonderful concert in which a rock group with electric guitar, bass, singer, drums, dancer and narrator, have introduced them to the rock music of the 20th century, reviewing the music and important historical events that marked each era. They have listened to, sung and danced to songs by Elvis, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, etc., all told in a very entertaining, fun and educational way.
Las fotos AQUI.